Magic Takes Time | Austin Child and Family Photographer

This had to be one of my favorite sessions ever.  Seriously.  I wasn’t too sure what to expect when I knew I’d be soon meeting up with 3 and 5-year-old boys.  I mean, I even have a boy and boys can be . . . you know . . . BOYS.  They can just be tricky sometimes.  But, holy cow, these little guys blew me out of the water and we had an absolute blast.  They were articulate, good listeners, and FUNNY!  I loved every minute of it.  This was a SURPRISE photo shoot for their dad (so if you know this family, don’t ruin it by blabbing to Dad that you saw his kids on my blog – I got permission from Mom to post these because she was dying to see them!!)  Best part of my evening:  I was walking back to the car and the oldest yells after me, “That was fun!!” Sigh.  I love my job.

And finally, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into the title of this blog post, “Magic Takes Time.”  My biggest goal in photographing kids (or anyone really) is to keep shooting until I we get some pictures that capture what I feel is the essence of that child and is them in their most natural, laid-back state.  That often takes time, even with the most outgoing child.  Take a look at this progression below.

Imagine if I’d plopped this kid down, said “smile”, and off we went after picture numero uno.  We’d be left with nothing but CHEESE.  Instead, I took about 5 extra minutes and had a conversation with him about pink elephants and in the end, that’s where the magic happened.


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