A cutie and some pregnancy forgetfulness . . . | Austin Children’s Photographer

Yesterday I met a family who lives in San Antonio at my FAVORITE place to shoot here in Austin.  I first did her 3 month pics and she’s now 9 months, so it’s been fun to watch her grow!  I was having fun snapping photos and just totally eating up this cutie when . . . . the battery in my camera died!!!  And you would think all professional photographers would carry an extra battery, right?!  Nope, not me.  So, there we were at 7:45 pm (quickly losing daylight) with a cute kid, a dead camera battery and an incredibly embarrassed photographer!!  I finally decided to run home to grab my other camera, which was a 40 minute round trip.  Uggh!!   (Some days I think this pregnancy is causing me to lose my mind.)  But, this family was awesome and waited for me to return so we could finish the shoot.  (Don’t worry – I promised them lots of free prints in return.)  Thank you, “L” family, for being troopers!

All that to say we ended up with some PRECIOUS shots:



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