Independence. Rapidly expanding vocabularies. Limitless energy. Curiosity. As you may have guessed, this blog post is dedicated to two-year-olds! I must say that while they exhaust me … I am having such a blast as a mommy of one myself! Our son is such a riot. He has a crazy imagination and is always pretending something is something else. He’s obsessed with firetrucks (and does a pretty darn good impression of the noise they make) . He asks a million questions day. He frequently tells me, “Mama, my do it.” He sometimes drives me nuts. He’s compliant (a majority of the time). He just started sleeping in a “big boy” bed. He still loves to snuggle. He’s going to be an AWESOME big brother (speaking of which – I’m just 3 weeks from my due date! How can that be?!) He’s two and although it makes life crazy at times, I’m trying to embrace it. Because someday I’m going to miss the crazy and wonder where it all went.
And with that, some more two-year-olds.